Apr 27 2015
The Connecticut Law Tribune published an editorial this week calling for the State to enact a law to protect tipped workers. (For a PDF of the editorial, click here.) As the editorial explains, “Connecticut has no law establishing the legal status of gratuities.” More concretely, “there is no law in Connecticut mandating that the tip you give your server will end up with him or her at the end of the night.”
Garrison, Levin-Epstein joins the Editors of the Law Tribune in calling for Connecticut to pass a law concerning employee tips. Employees who earn tips should be able to keep those tips, and employers who force their employees to share tips with management should be punished.
Bellhops, baristas, hair stylists, massage therapists, taxi drivers — all of these service employees (and many more) earn a good portion of their compensation from tips. If you believe you have been subject to unfair workplace practices, including unfair compensation or tip policies, please contact the lawyers of Garrison, Levin-Epstein, Richardson, Fitzgerald & Pirrotti today.